Follow the series of six films based on the long-running manga concerns Ogami Itto (Tomisaburo Wakayama), a shogun's executioner who is framed by the Yagyu clan and forced into exile as a wandering assassin for hire. After the killing of his wife...
Yang Tsung-Pao is killed while fighting invaders from West Hsia. Members of the Yang clan are infuriated when Wang Ching, a cunning prime minister of the Sung Dynasty, intentionally delays a counter-attack against the invaders. The Yang clan, lead by...
A missing police pistol is connected to a series of recent heists and murders. Its owner, Wong (Lee Kwok Lun), vanished earlier while pursuing suspects in the bush. His partner, Chi-Wai (Lam Ka Tung), miraculously returned unharmed.
Tax collector Ning, a clumsy and easily frightened man, doesn't have any money and decides to stay overnight in an abandoned temple. Little does he know that the temple is haunted. He meets a very beautiful lady who seduces him, but he doesn't know that...
Martial arts students Lau Zhai (Yuen Biao) and buck-toothed So (Wu Ma), members of the esteemed Po Chi Lam school, put the school into a mess when the herbs they brought over from Hong Kong actually contain a large amount of opium hidden within the...
Starring Jet Li, who rises up to defy an empire and unite a nation behind him. With supernatural skills, a fearless, nameless soldier embarks on a mission of revenge against the army that massacred his people.
Volcano High is the story of high school-aged martial arts wizards in search of a mystical text that will restore harmony to their school. Set in an indeterminable time, Volcano High is in a state of chaos that has lasted nearly 20 years, since a vast...
Snake-Crane Secret is a tale of deceit, lying and mistrust. A family tries to uphold their honor, while keeping their Sacred Kung-Fu book from getting into the wrong hands.
Dragon Lee stars in this martial arts epic about a young fighter on the losing side of a battle with the vile Hell Lord, who is causing havoc in the martial arts world. Seriously wounded, Dragon is rescued by a young maiden who encourages him to train...
The Fists of Bruce Lee is yet another Bruce Lee look alike but this guys does move and looks a lot like Bruce Lee did. Some say he could of very well been the action star Bruce became if he had of had the chance. 93 minutes
In San Francisco's Chinatown, a band of thugs kidnaps a girl for a large Chinese gang. Her half-brother gathers a team of expert fighters to get her back.
Two circus performers are tasked with escorting relief in the form of gold bullion to a region hit by drought. On the way they are beset by countless bandits.