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A Study of Kendo Kata

A Study of Kendo Kata

KENDO KATA are fixed patterns that teach Kendoka (kendo practitioners) the basic elements of swordsmanship. Kata were originally used to preserve the techniques and history of Kenjutsu for future generation. If you’re interested in the art of...
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Goju Ryu Karate Do Kyohan (Hardcover)

Goju Ryu Karate Do Kyohan (Hardcover)

Born in Kagashima Prefecture in 1910, Gogen Yamaguchi, the author of Karate Do Kyohan, would become world famous and affectionately known as - The Cat.  He had long black hair and was known to practice his katas in the snow and under waterfalls...
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Wado Ryu Karate (Hardcover)

Wado Ryu Karate (Hardcover)

Originally published in Japanese, by the founder of Wado Ryu Karate, Hironori Otsuka and later translated into English by Masters Publication.  This book features hundreds of photos of Otuska himself performing the wonderful flowing style of Wado...
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