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Kobudo KENPO Karate (Download)

Kobudo KENPO Karate (Download)

Written in 1952 by Giken Hotta, this book also features illustrations and a few photographs, Reading the author’s notes will transport you back at least seventy years. This is when Karate was starting to come into the America. Shihan Hotta...
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Kill or Get Killed

Kill or Get Killed

Written in early 1960's this over 50 year old text is meant for police and military training. You will learn disarming, handling prisoners, raids and room combat, baton techniques, hand gun and even riot control techniques. An excellent book for all arms...
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How To Use The Yawara Stick

How To Use The Yawara Stick

This unique book is the fore runner of the famous Kubotan. It was written in the 1940's by Professor Frank A. Matsuyama. It was intended for the Police forces and the many techniques taught in this little book are everything from strikes to locks and...
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Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

Evan Pantazi teaches law enforcement agents pressure points needed to do there job more effectively and as well several other skills like breaking up a fight between two individuals and how to handle the self defense situations confronting police...
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Russian Hand to Hand Combat

Russian Hand to Hand Combat

Covering Russian Unarmed Self-Defense (sometimes referred to as Spetsnaz Special Forces training), the original publication of this rare book dates far back, yet the techniques contained inside are military-style, self-defense techniques that remain...
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Defensive Tactics

Defensive Tactics

Defensive Tactics by Jim Wagner, is jammed packed full of reality Martial Arts by one of the best instructors in the world.  Wagner is a former police officer, jail guard, flight security officer - he has all the credentials you could ever ask for...
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Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu

Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu

Jukoshin Ryu Ju Jitsu by Master Bryan Cheeks of Great Britain, is without a doubt one of the most dangerous and effective styles of close combat in the world today.  You will learn techniques against weapons, including guns, batons, knives and...
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