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Shito/Sanko by Frenette ( Download )

Shito/Sanko by Frenette ( Download )

Shito Ryu Sankudo (Sankukai) was formed by Japanese Karate master Yoshinao Nanbu. Nanbu was a student of Chojiro Tani's Shito Ryu -Shukokai, and the organization's best and most famous representative. Along with Shotokan's Kase, Nanbu had the biggest...
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Shito Ryu Karate #3 ( Download )

Shito Ryu Karate #3 ( Download )

#3 Cracking the Code of Kata Bassai (Patsai) Da iCracking the Code of Kata (Bassai Dai)-  Master Instructor Neville Billimoria is undoubtedly one of the most unique DVD's ever created by Rising Sun Publications. In this DVD, Sensei...
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Shito Ryu Karate #2 ( Download )

Shito Ryu Karate #2 ( Download )

Neville Billimoria  #2 Cracking the Code of Kata  Pinan (Heian) Sandan, Yondan and Godan- Now you can go beyond the simple understanding of the Pinan/Heian series as being developed by Master Itosu only for teaching school children...
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Shito Ryu Karate #1 ( Download )

Shito Ryu Karate #1 ( Download )

#1 Cracking the Code of Kata -Pinan (Heian) Shodan and Nidan-   It is 3,000 years old and nearly everyone learns kata but sadly, not everyone knows what kata is really all about.  There was little, if any information available on...
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Chuck Merriman's Tensho ( Download )

Chuck Merriman's Tensho ( Download )

Rotating or turning palm Tensho Kata is the soft aspect in the Goju Ryu system while Sanchin Kata is the hard.  This form is one of the most important forms in Goju Ryu.  You might say they are the book ends and pillars of the style taught by...
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Chuck Merriman's Sanchin ( Download )

Chuck Merriman's Sanchin ( Download )

There has never been a kata so consistently misunderstood as the Sanchin Kata.  With it's roots in old Chinese arts, Higaonna Kanryo Sensei (Miyagi Senseis teacher) brought the kata to Okinawa.  Miyagi Sensei changed the Sanchin Dai Ichi form...
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