“Master Of Bo Sai And Tong Fa”

Chatan Yara 1668-1756
“Master Of Bo Sai And Tong Fa”
Chatan Yara also known as Yomitan Yara 1668-1756
Yara came from the village of Chatan. Hence his name Chatan Yara.
When he was around ten his uncle convinced Yara's parents that he should learn martial arts in China as Yara was big and strong. Since his uncle was a trader of merchandise from China he took him to China and there his teacher was Wong Chung-Yoh.
His teacher Wong taught him both bo and double swords which became Sai's when he returned to Okinawa.
Yara spent most of the time on Bo and his biggest talent was balance that his teacher used to test him all the time during his lessons and during regular day activities.
Unless the mind is calm it can not concentrate was one of his famous lessons.
He developed five Katas Chatan Yara no sai sho and dai, Chatan Yara no Kon sho and dai and one Chatan Yara tong fa.
He studied Hsing YI and Pa Qua in China as well kobudo.
He had only a few students one whose name were Shiroma and his own son who taught his son and this Yara taught Chotoku Kyan 1870-1945.