Mas Oyama
Masutatsu Oyama 1923 – 1994
“Man with The Iron Fist”
He was born Choi Yeong-eui, more commonly known as Mas Oyama, the karate master who founded Kyokushin Karate, considered the first and most influential style of full contact karate.A Zainichi Korean, Oyama spent most of his life living in Japan and acquired Japanese citizenship in 1964.
At a relatively
young age he went to Manchuria to live on his sister’s farm. When he was nine, he studied the Southern
Chinese form of Kempo called ‘Eighteen hands’ from a Mr Yi.
In 1938, he travelled to Japan to train as an aviator, however survival on his own was difficult, and aviator training fell by he wayside. He continued martial arts training, participating in judo and boxing. One day he observed students training in Okinawan Karate. He went to train at the dojo of Gichin Funakoshi at Takushoku University. By age 17, he was a 2nd dan. He entered the Japanese Imperial Army with a 4th dan.
Feeling like a foreigner, he remained isolated and trained in solitude,spending much time in the mountains of Japan. He also trained with legendary Gogen Yamaguchi. He and Richard Kim were given shodan in 1950 by Gogen Yamaguchi.
A few months later, Oyama won the karate section of the first Japanese National Martial Arts Championships after WWII. He again sought solitude. This time his training was fanatical – 12 hours daily, with no rest days, standing under cold buffeting waterfalls, breaking river stones with his hands, and using trees as makiwara. Each day he studied the ancient classics on the Martial arts, Zen, and philosophy. After 18 months he was confident, and able to take control.
In 1960, he started testing and demonstrating his power by fighting bulls. In 1962, he travelled to the United States, and demonstrated his karate live and on national television.
In 1953 he started Oyama Dojo which became Kyokushin kai, a world wide organization said to be the forerunner of the modern day UFC as he had started full contact kicking and punching competitions in 1969.
The current World Headquarters were officially opened in June 1964, where the name Kyokushiun meaning ‘Ultimate truth’ was adopted.
When Mas Oyama died in 1994, Okiyoshi Matsui was put in charge of the organization
Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity). Base
yourself on filial piety and benefit others.
Sosai Mas Oyama, 10th Dan
If you would like to learn more about Mas Oyama please check out these DVD's.