The term, ‘Kyo’ and ‘Jitsu’ are often used in the Martial Arts to describe the the
state of mind that a person is in. Though understanding both terms is a key element
when learning a fighting
Dealing with Stress- the Martial Arts Way
by Tracy Warrener
There is a silent enemy that creeps into our lives and can cause havoc in our physical, mental
and emotional health. It
FINDING BALANCEIn today's world, finding balance in our careers, family life, friendships and personal life can be challenging. With the constant need to get things done, have more, do more and be mor
Zanshin – Perfect Finish.“There is a term “Zanshin” in
martial arts rarely understood fully in Japanese Budo.In Japanese karate most
philosophical terms came at the end of WW-2 when the JKA introduc