Instructed by Sifu Harinder Singh
Jeet Kune Do Athletic Association
Sifu Sinah is a Speaker, Author and High Performance Coach. He is the teacher of Military, Special Forces, Secret Service, SWAT, and over 100 Law Enforcement Agencies across the globe. He is a descendant and lineage holder of Wing Chun, Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, and Chen Tai Chi. He is a Guro of Filipino Martial Arts, holds a Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and is the founder of the JKD Athletic Association.
With the DVD Vol-3 TRAP BOXING (Training Methods) you will get:
Attribute development drills. Primary attack strategies (high, middle and low). Overcoming the secondary barriers. Attack by draw. Energy and sensitivity drills (actions and reactions). And MUCH MORE...
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- SKU:
- RS-1399 dL